Save Your Seat - Register Now! Out of town for the long weekend? Sign up to attend and we'll email you the presentations after the webinar.
With an end to menthol sales within reach, accessible cessation support available for our residents, and committed tobacco control efforts in full swing across our city, NOW is the time to stand together to create a healthier community!
Join local activists and experts for a discussion of cessation resources and tobacco control in our community, hosted by DC Tobacco Free Coalition for World No Tobacco Day on May 28th from 11am to 1pm. Sign up now at
We'll discuss cessation-related policy, local cessation, health equity and improving health in underserved communities, DC tobacco control resources and how YOU can start to get involved or amplify your current work.
Josh Brown, Flavors Hook Kids
Teaira Garnett, Breathe DC
Dr. Carla Williams, Howard University Hospital
Tobacco Control Program, DC Health
Moderator:Liz Furgurson, Chair, DC Tobacco Free Coalition